Section A: Compensation
Section B: Reinstatement into possession
Section C: Sale, exchange and long-term lease
Section A: Establishment, operation, powers,
staff and costs of Cyprus Property Board
Section B: Handling of property transferred
to or via the Property Board
Section C: Decision-making and claims for
affected property
Section D: Assistance with sale, exchange
or lease
Section E: Compensation fund and bonds>
Section A: Extension of deadlines for vacating affected property
Section B: Preferential loans
Section C: Right of first refusal
1 General provisions
1.The provisions in this Annex and its attachments deal with
properties which were affected as a consequence of intercommunal strife,
military action or the unresolved division of the island between December 1963
and entry into force of the Foundation Agreement and introduces an extraordinary
regime to deal with these properties. The provisions in
this Annex and its attachments will continue to apply to such properties until
all matters covered by these provisions have been closed by the
Property Board or the Supreme Court.
Εδώ το παράρτημα και προσάρτημα θα ισχύουν έως ότου
όλα τα θέματα που αφορούν περιουσίες επιλυθούν από το Συμβούλιο Περιουσιών ή
το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο.
2. Terms used in this Annex and
its attachments are defined in Attachment 1.
3. Provisions of this Annex and its attachments shall be
referred to hereinafter as 'these provisions'.
2 The Cyprus Properly Board
These provisions, unless otherwise stated, shall be
implemented by the Cyprus Property Board. Its composition, powers and
procedures, as well as the obligations of the <common state> and the <component
states>in relation to it, are further regulated in Attachment 2.
3 Property in areas subject to territorial adjustment
Property located in areas subject to territorial adjustment
is regulated by Attachment 4. Where there are no specific provisions in
Attachment 4, the other provisions of this Annex shall apply.
4 Religious sites
1. The Churches and Evkaf shall be entitled, without
exception and within three years of entry into force of the Foundation
Agreement, to reinstatement of any affected property owned by them which was
used as a religious site in 1963 or 1974.
2. This Article shall not limit the right of Churches and
Evkaf to claim compensation in lieu of reinstatement for any affected property
under these provisions.
Article 5 Suspension of dealings, proceedings or alterations with respect fo affected
1.Any transaction, dealing, or any
proceeding in any court or legal or administrative body, or any physical
alterations (apart from minor or emergency maintenance),
with respect to any affected property shall be suspended or prohibited
upon entry into force of the Foundation Agreement, until the Property Board:
Οποιαδήποτε διαδικασία σε οποιοδήποτε
δικαστήριο ή άλλο νομικό ή διοικητικό σώμα θα παύσει ή θα ανασταλεί έως ότου το
Συμβούλιο Περιουσιών προβεί σε κάποιες ενέργειες εάν αυτή η διαδικασία αφορά
περιούσιες. Αυτό το άρθρο παραβιάζει το ατομικό δικαίωμα σε κάποιό άτομο να
προσφύγει στο δικαστήριο κατά παράβαση της Ευρωπαϊκής Σύμβασης Δικαιωμάτων το&Ανθρώπου.
a. Authorises such dealing, proceeding or physical alteration
to continue or occur;
b. Refers 'the dealing or
proceeding to another competent court or authority; or
c. Makes a final determination
in relation to the property.
<common state> and the <component states> shall, pursuant to
Article 37 of the European Convention of
Human Rights, request the European Court of Human Rights to strike out any
proceedings currently before it concerning affected property.
κράτος θα ζητήσει από το Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων να
απορρίψει όλες τις ενώπιον του προσφυγές για τον λόγο ότι το θέμα θα επιλυθεί
αποτελεσματικά εσωτερικά. Αυτό είναι απαράδεκτο διότι οποιαδήποτε μορφή
αποζημίωσης δεν αποδεσμεύει την Τουρκία από την συνεχή ταλαιπωρία την οποία
προκάλεσε όπως επίσης και την συνεχή στέρηση απόλαυσης ελεύθερα της περιουσίαςτου κάθε ατόμου.
6 Claims and applications
1.A dispossessed owner shall be
entitled to claim compensation for his/her title to property or the
reinstatement of his/her property or apply for assistance in arranging the sale,
long-term lease or exchange of his/her property.
Δηλαδή, ο Σημερινός χρήστης ο
οποίος είναι και αυτός πρόσφυγας εκτοπισμένος ή άτομα που έχουν κάνει σημαντικέ αλλαγές σε περιουσία μπορούν να κάνουν αίτηση για να ανακτήσουν τίτλο. Αυτό
είναι απαράδεκτο διότι 1.Το δικαίωμα του πρόσφυγα που θέλει να επιστρέψει
τοποθετείται ιεραρχικά κατώτερο σε σχέση με κάποιου πρόσφυγα / εκτοπισμένου που θέλει να παραμείνει στο σπίτι το οποίο διαμένει τώρα έστω και αν δεν είναι
δικό του και το κατέχει παράνομα. Αυτό θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα ένας
Τουρκοκύπριος που είχε ένα μικρό σπιτάκι κάπου στο Νότο και τώρα μετά την
εισβολή ζει σε ένα τεράστιο Ελληνοκυπριακό σπίτι στα κατεχόμενα να μην θέλει να
μετακινηθεί (φυσικά) και πλέον να δικαιούται να ζητήσει τίτλο ιδιοκτησίας.
Επίσης ένα άλλο αδικαιολόγητο πράγμα που δεν συμβαίνει πουθενά στον πολιτισμένκαι δημοκρατικό κόσμο είναι ότι εδώ πλέον αποκτά κάποιος όπου παράνομα κατέχει
κάτι τόσα χρόνια και έχει επενδύσει κάποια λεφτά επί της περιουσίας κάποιου
άλλου, καλύτερο και ισχυρότερο δικαίωμα από αυτόν που είναι
νόμιμος ιδιοκτήτης. Πράγμα που συγκρούεται με κάθε αρχή δικαίου.
2.Current users of affected properties who are themselves
dispossessed owners or persons who own significant improvements to affected
properties may apply to receive title to such properties.
3.Current users of properties to be reinstated may apply to
benefit from the special measures detailed in Attachment 3.
4.All such claims and applications shall be made to the
Property Board within the time limit specified
and shall be processed and determined in accordance with these provisions.
Ακαθόριστο και αόριστο ποιο είναι αυτό το
χρονικό πλαίσιο.
5. All payments required as a condition for the transfer of
title or reinstatement shall be made to the Property Board within three years of
the relevant decision of the Property Board, unless the decision specifies an
earlier date. Transfer of title or reinstatement shall not take effect until all
stipulated payments are made in full. Failure to make payments within the
specified period may result in loss of or modifications to rights with respect
to the properly.
7 Liability for damage
Persons responsible for serious damage
to or destruction of properties shall be liable to the dispossessed owner and/or
the Property Board for the cost of the damage up to the market value of the
property. In addition, the Property Board may fine such persons and take other
punitive measures, including modifying
decisions previously made in their favour.
Άτομα υπεύθυνα για σοβαρές ζημιές και ή καταστροφές
περιουσιών θα είναι υπεύθυνη για την ζημιά την οποία έχουν προκαλέσει.
Αυτό δεν είναι εφικτό. Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θα μπορεί να εξευρεθεί ποίος
κατέστρεψε τι στα κατεχόμενα και να είναι ατομικά υπεύθυνος. Είναι
γελοία από μόνη της η εισήγηση.
Section A: Compensation
8 Entitlement to full and effective compensation
1.Any dispossessed owner shall be
entitled to claim full and effective compensation as determined by the Property
Board in accordance with international standards (hereinafter referred to
as "compensation") in exchange for transfer of title to the affected property to
the Property Board.
Κάθε εκτοπισμένος θα δικαιούται να
αποκτήσει πλήρη και αποτελεσματική αποζημίωση όπως αυτή καθορίζεται από το
συμβούλιο ιδιοκτησίας. Αυτό θα καθορίζει και θα περιλαμβάνει αποζημίωση
για μη χρήση τα τελευταία 28 χρόνια και για ψυχική οδύνη; Επίσης τι
είναι αυτή η πλήρης και αποτελεσματική αποζημίωση, πως θα καθορίζεται και ποια
είναι τα διεθνή πρότυπα τα οποία αναφέρει;
2.Entitlements to compensation shall be assessed and paid by
the Property Board at current value.
Τι εννοεί σε τρέχουσες τιμές είναι η αξία που
θα μπορούσε να έχει σήμερα στις ελεύθερες περιοχές ή στα κατεχόμενα;
3.Compensation shall be paid in the form of compensation
bonds drawn on a compensation fund. The establishment of the Compensation Fund
issuing and use of bonds shall be regulated by the provisions in Attachment 2.
4.Dispossessed owners of properties which, according to the
provisions, are not eligible to
be reinstated shall be entitled to compensation.
9 Property owned by institutions
Title to
affected properties, other than religious sites,
which are owned by institutions shall be transferred to the Property Board in
exchange for compensation.
Σχόλιο: Εδώ μίλα μόνο γία
θρησκευτικούς χώρους και όχι για θρησκευτική ιδιοκτησία κάτι πολύ πιο
περιοριστικό και το θέμα θα πρέπει να εξεταστεί και να διευκρινιστεί.
Article 10 Property used for
public benefit purposes
Title to
an affected properly which is being used for a purpose in the public benefit
upon entry into force of the Comprehensive Settlement which objectively
justifies compulsory acquisition shall be transferred to the <common state> or
the relevant <component state> in exchange for payment of the current value by
the relevant authority to the dispossessed owner through the Property Board.
11 Property required for military purposes
Title to
any affected properly which is specified in the Additional Protocols to the
Treaty of Alliance, or any attachment thereto, as being
required for military purposes shall
be transferred to the <component state> in which it is located, in exchange for
payment by the relevant <component state> of the current value through the
Property Board.
Αυτό θα περιλαμβάνει και τις οικίες των
αξιωματικών; Πόσο μεγάλα μπορεί να είναι τα στρατόπεδα; Μπορεί να είναι
όπου θέλουν; Έμμεσος τρόπος να απαλλοτριωθούν πολλές περιουσίες μήπως;
12 Property currently used by dispossessed owners
1. A dispossessed owner who is the current user of an
affected properly of similar current value to a properly of which s/he was
dispossessed and has been using the affected properly on a continuous basis for
at least ten years, may apply to the Property Board to receive title to that
properly in exchange for title to the properly of which s/he was dispossessed.
Και πάλι αυτή η παράγραφος προβλέπει ότι το δικαίωμα του
πρόσφυγα και σημερινού παράνομα εγκατεστημένου ατόμου σε άλλο σπίτι, δηλαδή
αυτού που κατέχει εχθρικά την ακίνητη περιουσία υπερισχύει του
άλλου που θέλει να επιστρέψει και είναι ο νόμιμος κάτοχος!!!
2.The application shall be granted if the current value of
the affected property no greater than 50% more than the current value of the
property of which s/he was dispossessed.
3. If the current value of the affected property is more than
50% greater than the current value of the property of which the current user was
dispossessed, the Property Board shall assist the
dispossessed owner and the current user to reach an amicable agreement. If this
fails, the Property Board may grant or refuse the exchange, taking into account
the arguments of both sides, or partition the property as appropriate.
ξεπερνά το 50% η διαφορά και κάποιος δεν είναι διατεθειμένος να συμβιβαστεί και
αναγκαστικά βγάλει απόφαση το Συμβούλιο Περιουσίας μπορεί να προσφύγει στο
4. If the current value of the affected property is less than
that of the property of which the current user was dispossessed, s/he may claim
compensation for the difference in value.
5. If the current value of the affected property is more than
the current value of the property of which the current user was dispossessed,
s/he shall pay the difference to the Property Board
prior to the transfer of title.
Εδώ αν τελικά δεν πληρώσει κάποιος την
διαφορά προκαταβολικά τι γίνεται;
Article 13 Property currently used by subsequent
purchasers from dispossessed owners
1 Any
purchaser (or his/her successors in title) of an affected property, which was
assigned to a dispossessed owner (hereinafter "the vendor") and was of a similar
current value to a property of which the vendor was dispossessed, shall have the
same rights and obligations as the vendor would have had according to
Article 11 with respect to the affected property,
provided that s/he and the vendor and any have collectively been current users
of the affected property on a continuous basis for at least ten years. Title to
the property shall be transferred to the Property Board; if the current value of
the affected property is less than that of the property of which the vendor was
originally dispossessed, the vendor may claim the difference in compensation.
Μήπως θα έπρεπε να είναι Α12
2 .The above provision does not apply if the Property Board
cannot obtain title to the property of which the vendor was dispossessed because
the vendor has already legally disposed of it.
14 Significantly improved property
The owner
of a significant improvement to an affected property may apply to receive title
to that property, in exchange for payment of the current value of the affected
property without the improvement. The Property Board shall order transfer of
title after payment of compensation to the dispossessed owner at the current
value for his/her interest in the property.
Section B: Reinstatement into possession
15 Eligibility for reinstatement
properties which do not fall into the above categories shall be generally
eligible to be reinstated.
Στο Α15 μιλά γενικά για όποιες περιουσίες δεν εμπίπτουν στις κατηγορίες του
τμήματος Α και οι οποίες γενικά μπορούν να αντικατασταθούν ενώ στο
Α16 προχώρα και προσθέτει νέους επί τοις εκατό περιορισμούς και άρα
περιορίζει ακόμη περισσότερο την επιστροφή προσφύγων.
16 Agreed levels of reinstatement
1. In
either <component state>, no more than X%, and in any given municipality or
village, no more than Y% of the total land area and of the number of residences
shall be reinstated to persons hailing from the other <component state>.
Αυτός εδώ ο περιορισμός δεν συνάδει με
το Ευρωπαϊκό Κεκτημένο και δεν μπορεί να γίνει καθ’ ουδέν λόγο αποδεκτός.
Eligible claimants shall be awarded reinstatement based on priority in
descending order of age, until the agreed levels are reached.
3. These limitations shall not
apply to religious sites or to villages which were predominantly
inhabited by Maronites in 1974 or the Karpas villages of Rizokarpaso/Dipkarpaz,
Agialousa/Yeni Erenkoy, Agia Trias/Sipahi, Melanarga/Adacay.
Γίατι, σε αυτό το άρθρο σε θρησκευτικούς
χώρους ή χώρια που κατοικούν Μαρωνίτες ή άλλα πολύ συγκεκριμένα και περιορισμέν χωριά ρητά αναφέρεται πρόνοια να μην υπάρχουν αυτοί
οι περιορισμοί; Εδώ δημιουργείται άμεση και εντελώς αδικαιολόγητη διάκριση
έναντι άλλων Ελληνοκύπριων ή Αρμένιων ή Λατίνων που έχουν αυτούς τούς
Article 17 Moratorium for
No order of the Property Board
shall require reinstatement of affected property to a dispossessed owner before
a date which is:
a. Three years after the
Foundation Agreement enters into force, for property which is vacant at that
date; or
b. Five years after the
Foundation Agreement enters into force, in all other cases.
απόφαση της Επιτροπής Περιουσίας δεν θα απαιτεί επανεγκατάσταση σε περιουσία
πριν την πάροδο 3 χρόνων εάν η περιουσία έχει εκκενωθεί ή πέντε χρόνια αν δεν
έχει εκκενωθεί. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι το πρώτο κύμα επανεγκατάστασης θα χρειαστεί
τουλάχιστον 3 χρόνια.
Article 18 Improvements on
reinstated property
1. The owner of any improvement
worth more than 10% of the current value of a property to be reinstated may
apply for compensation for his/her interest in the property, which shall be paid
by the Property Board on the basis of the market value of the improvement.
The dispossessed owner shall be entitled to retain any improvement on the
affected property after reinstatement, provided s/he pays the market
value of
the improvement to the Property Board.
ο εκδιωχθείς ιδιοκτήτης που θα επιστρέψει δικαιούται να κρατήσει οποιαδήποτε
βελτίωση που έγινε με την προϋπόθεση ότι θα πληρώσει την αξία. Δηλαδή σε
περίπτωση που δεν πληρώσει θα μπουν συνεργία να την χαλάσουν;
3. The dispossessed owner shall
not be required to make such a payment
if s/he satisfies the Property
Board that the improvement is inappropriate for or irrelevant for his/her
intended future use of the property for his/her own purposes, provided the
intended future use is more or less similar to its use prior to dispossession.
If the Property Board subsequently finds that
the dispossessed owner or any successor in title makes use of the improvement,
the Property Board may pursue him/her to recover the amount of compensation paid
to the owner of the improvement under paragraph 1 of this Article.
όμως την χρησιμοποιήσει μετά (αφήνει ακαθόριστο το χρονικό πλαίσιο αυτό) η
επιτροπή περιουσίων θα απαιτήσει πληρωμή. Εδώ εγείρεται θέμα κατά πόσο θα μπορεί
να εφαρμοστεί και πρακτικά αυτό το άρθρο.
Section C: Sale. exchange
and long-term lease
Article 19 Option to sell,
exchange or lease
1. Properties eligible for
reinstatement may .be sold, exchanged or leased
on a long-term basis (20 years
or longer) to current users or other people hailing from the <component state>
in which the property is located, at any time prior to the final determination
on reinstatement, in accordance with these provisions.
2. Dispossessed owners and
current users may seek the assistance of the
Property Board with the sale,
exchange or lease of such properties.
Article 20 Incentives for
dispossessed owners to sell, exchange or lease
Dispossessed owners shall be
offered incentives to sell, exchange or lease on
a long-term basis their
properties according to Article 18, including:
Exemptions for such properties from being counted for the purposes of
determining when agreed levels of reinstatement have been reached;
Exemptions from taxes, governmental fees, charges and duties payable on signing
of instruments, or on completion and registration of transfers or leases of such
c. Exemptions or substantial reductions in taxes on
capital gains
derived from transfers or from
rental income under such leases;
Exemptions from any incidental taxes, governmental fees, charges and duties
relating to sale, exchange or lease of such properties;
Exemptions from property taxes for the duration of such leases; and
Such other additional incentives as the <common state> and the <component
states> may choose to provide.
δεν αναφέρει ούτε για πόσο χρόνο θα ισχύουν αυτές οι εξαιρέσεις ούτε
συγκεκριμένα τι ακριβώς θα περιλαμβάνουν αυτές οι εξαιρέσεις και διευκολύνσει&απλά μιλά αόριστα.
Part III: Loss OF USE
Article 21 Compensation for
loss of use
Any claims for compensation for
loss of use of an affected properly for any period commencing with dispossession
shall be considered by the <component state> from which the claimant hails,
taking into account:
a. Benefits previously enjoyed
by the dispossessed owner on the grounds of his/her displacement; and
b. Any entitlements received by
or payable to the dispossessed owner, whether before or after the Foundation
Agreement, for the period of lost use.
Σχόλιο:Κάθε διεκδίκηση
αποζημίωσης για απώλεια χρήσης
μιας θηγείσας περιουσίας για οποιοδήποτε περίοδο θα πρέπει να εξετάζεται
από το Συστατικό κράτος από το οποίο ο διεκδικών προέρχεται. Δηλαδή δεν
φτάνει που καταπατούν τα δικαιώματα τόσα χρόνια πλέον όλες τις διεκδικήσεις και αξιώσεις για απώλεια χρήσης θα μελετούνται από το Συστατικό Κράτος όπου
προέρχεται το άτομο που αξιώνει.
Article 22 The Property
1. A Property Court shall be
established with power to conduct final judicial review of decisions of the
Property Board.
2. The Property Court shall be
composed of an uneven number of judges. This number shall be specified by the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after consultation with members of the
Supreme Court, and shall include an equal number of judges from each of the
<component states> and no less than three non-Cypriot judges who are not
citizens of Greece, Turkey or the United Kingdom. The Chief Justice and judges
of the Property Court shall be chosen in the same manner and for the same term
of office as judges of the Supreme Court, unless the Supreme Court decides
γεγονός ότι δεν θα γίνεται κάποιος να κάνει έφεση επί των αποφάσεων αυτού του
δικαστηρίου ούτε καν στο Ανώτατο είναι ΑΠΑΡΑΔΕΚΤΟ.
of the Property Board shall not be subject to appeal or challenge in any
<component state> court or otherwise, except by way of judicial review by the
Property Court in accordance with the law and these; provisions.
4. Decisions of the Property
Court shall not be subject to further review or appeal to the Supreme Court.
το δικαίωμα να εισακουστεί αίτημα στο Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο και αυτό είναι
παραβίαση του δικαιώματος κάποιου να προσφύγει στο δικαστήριο.
5. An application for judicial
review of a Property Board decision may be made to the Property Court by any
party with a legal interest in the decision or the properly in question, within
60 days of publication of the decision by the Property Board in accordance with
its rules.
6. The Property Court shall
have power to levy fees upon parties for procedural steps in initiating and
contesting matters before it.
7. The Property Court shall
continue in operation until such time as the Supreme Court may decide to assume
its functions.
τα θέματα περιούσιας κανονικά θα πρέπει να είναι εντός της εξουσίας του Ανωτάτου
Δικαστηρίου απλά μέχρι να λυθούν τα αρχικά προβλήματα θα στερηθούν τα άτομα να
προσφύγουν στο Δικαστήριο;
1.These provisions maybe
amended by the executive heads of the <component states> acting by consensus and
with the approval of the legislatures of both <component states>.
2.The text of
any proposed amendment shall be agreed between the executive heads of the
<component states> and submitted in identical form to each <component state>
legislature. It shall come into force 30 days after its approval by both