During the period between the signature of the Comprehensive Settlement
and the separate simultaneous referenda to approve the Foundation
Agreement, the following provisions shall be applied:
Article 1 Finalization of Foundation Agreement
- The two leaders shall make the finalization of the Foundation
Agreement by no later than 28 February 2003 their primary aim
and the primary aim of their authorities.
- The two leaders shall restrict their activities, and the activities
of their authorities, to business strictly indispensable for the
functioning of their authorities. All actions shall take into
account the letter and spirit of the draft Foundation Agreement.
- Any indispensable business in the field of foreign relations
shall be conducted in close consultation between the two leaders
and shall promote the common interests of the two sides. There
shall be no state visits.
Article 2 Committees to finalize Foundation
Upon signature of the Comprehensive Settlement, the two leaders
shall appoint persons to participate in bilateral committees, which
shall be chaired by United Nations representatives and shall make
recommendations by C?9~sensus, prior to the end of the finalization
period, on the finalization of the Annexes to the Foundation Agreement.
Article 3 Flag and anthem competition
A competition shall be conducted to conceive a flag and anthem
for Cyprus, and a bilateral committee, chaired by the United Nations,
shall make recommendations by consensus to the two leaders from
among entries received.
Article 4 <component state> constitutions
and legislation
- Each side shall, without delay, make necessary preparations
on <component state> matters to be put to referendum together
with the Foundation Agreement. To this end
- Each side shall prepare a draft <component state> constitution consistent with the draft Constitution of Cyprus.
- Each side shall prepare a provision
specifying those laws that shall become laws of the respective
<component state>, provided that such laws do not fall within the
agreed sphere of competence of the <common state> and are also
otherwise compatible with the Foundation Agreement.
Σχόλιο: Και πάλι το κάθε κράτος θα έχει τους δικούς του νόμους, επομένως τυχόν συνέχιση των νόμων του "TRNC” δίνουν βάση σ’ αυτούς για να αναγνωριστούν αν απορριφθεί η λύση σε δημοψήφισμα.
- Each side shall include the following provision in the draft <component state> constitution:
- "<component state> laws adopted pursuant to a provision put to referendum together with the Foundation Agreement and this Constitution shall, as from entry into force of the Foundation Agreement, be applied in this <component state> with such modifications as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with the Foundation Agreement and the Constitution of this <component state>.
- No provision in any such law which is contrary to or inconsistent with any provision of the Foundation Agreement or this Constitution shall so continue to be in force.
- The term "modification" in the above paragraphs includes amendment, adaptation and repeal."
Article 5 Measures to promote confidence
- Steps shall be taken without delay to lift restrictions on trade,
movement of tourists, and participation in international sporting
and cultural activities.
Σχόλιο: Μα αφού είναι συνέχεια της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας και αφού δεν υπάρχουν τέτοιοι περιορισμοί τι χρειάζεται τέτοια πρόνοια ή μήπως είναι διότι θα αναγνωριστεί το " ΤRNC";
- Any restrictions on the freedom of movement of UNFICYP shall
be terminated with immediate effect.
Article 6 Transitional Supreme Court judges
- The two leaders shall by consensus select, from a list of candidates
presented by the presumed members of the transitional Judiciary
Board, three non-Cypriot judges and three judges from each side
to sit on the transitional Supreme Court of Cyprus for a period
of one year after entry into force of the Foundation Agreement.
- The presumed members of the transitional Judiciary Board in
accordance with the provisions of the draft law shall within 30
days of signature of the Comprehensive Settlement meet upon the
invitation of the United Nations in order to propose candidates
for the transitional Supreme Court.
Article 7 Import and distribution licenses
The two sides shall conclude arrangements, without prejudice to
the application of European Union law, for the purpose of ensuring
that the Foundation Agreement and the new state of affairs shall
not be construed as altering rights enjoyed by businesspeople under
import and/or distribution licenses prior to entry into force of
the Agreement, and that such licenses shall where possible be construed
as licensing such persons to continue operating their businesses
in their <component state> after entry into force of the Foundation
Σχόλιο: Δηλαδή οι άδειες που έχουν δοθεί από το " ΤRNC" εισαγωγής/ εξαγωγής σε άτομα θα συνεχίσουν να υπάρχουν με αναγνωρισμένη ιδιότητα πλέον.
Article 8 Missing persons
The two leaders shall without delay take steps to conclusively
resolve the issue of missing persons. Both sides shall cooperate
fully with the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, in accordance
with its terms of reference and keeping in mind their agreement
reached on 31 July 1997. Each side shall carry out and conclude
any and all necessary inquiries, including exhumations.
Σχόλιο: Μα ήδη υπάρχει αυτή η απόφαση της επιτροπής και οι αρχές του " ΤRNC".