Article 1 Conduct of separate simultaneous referenda

Σχόλιο: Ανάγκη ξεχωριστών ταυτόχρονων Δημοψηφισμάτων για να ανέλθει η νέα τάξη πραγμάτων υποδηλώνει ότι είναι βασικά συνομοσπονδία συγκαλυμμένη σε ομοσπονδία.
  1. Each side shall organise a referendum on 30 March, asking the following question;

  2. "Do you:
    1. Approve the Foundation Agreement and all its Annexes, including the Constitution of Cyprus;

      Σχόλιο: Συνθήκη Ίδρυσης δείχνει νέο κράτος και όχι μετεξέλιξη, θα μπορούσε να ονομαστεί Continuation ή Evolution Αagreement.

    2. Approve the Constitution of the [Greek Cypriot Turkish Cypriot] <component state> and the provision as to the laws to be in force for the <component state>;

      Σχόλιο: Εδώ θα έπρεπε να είναι Common.

    3. Approve the terms of the draft Treaty between Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom on matters related to the new state of affairs in Cyprus, and require the signature by the Co-Presidents of the Treaty;

      Σχόλιο: Απαιτείται Συνυπογραφεί από Συμπροέδρους που και αυτό δείχνει ότι είναι συνομοσπονδία.

    4. Approve the accession of Cyprus to the European Union in accordance with the conditions of accession laid down in the draft Treaty concerning accession of Cyprus to the European Union, and require the signature and ratification by the Co-Presidents of the Treaty?

      Σχόλιο: Το γεγονός ότι το δημοψήφισμα συνδέει άμεσα και συγκεκριμένες και την ένταξη είναι εντελώς άτοπο και απαράδεκτο.

    Yes [ ]

    No [ ]

  3. The documents to be approved or being referred to in the referendum question shall be made available free of charge to any voter so requesting in Greek, Turkish or English and shall be placed on a common website in the same languages.

    Σχόλιο: Μέχρι – Από Πότε;

Article 2 Entry into force of the Foundation Agreement

At 00:00 hours the day after confirmation by the Secretary-General of its approval at separate simultaneous referenda, the Foundation Agreement shall immediately enter into force, thereby bringing into being a new state of affairs.

Σχόλιο: Η Συμφωνία Ίδρυσης θα επιφέρει μια νέα τάξη πραγμάτων και πάλι καθαρό στοιχείο δημιουργίας από την αρχή ενός νέου κράτους και όχι συνέχιση του παλιού.

Article 3 Flag-raising ceremonies

Upon entry into force of the Foundation Agreement, there shall be ceremonies throughout the island at which all flags other than those prescribed in the Constitution shall be lowered, the flags of Cyprus and of the <component states> shall be raised in accordance with the Constitution of Cyprus and relevant legislation, and the anthems of Cyprus and of the <component states> shall be played.

Article 4 The United Nations

Upon entry into force of the Foundation Agreement, the Co-Presidents shall inform the United Nations that henceforth the membership rights and obligations of Cyprus in the United Nations shall be exercised in accordance with the new state of affairs. The agreed flag of Cyprus shall be raised at United Nations Headquarters.